Saturday, July 4, 2009

Petang yang indah


One fine petang; or sore as they call it here in Indonesia, Aisyah Si Procastinator-yang-tak-sedar diri-nak-exam, received a quest from He-Who-Must-Be-Name to search for Roro Rojak- a mystical creature people believed to have unlimited power.

So off she goes with Ain's bicycle as her companion and Woan Shiang's camera as her sword and shield. She search high and low for Roro Rojak, until she came upon a place like no other. A place where people say Roro Rojak once ruled~ *mysterious voice*

Hehe. Sorry for the poyo introduction. I'm in my poyo mood right now ;P

Anyway, as the story goes, I did went to a place like no other. A place I never thought I'll find in Pogung.

Secluded from outside, the place-a kampung, have house build on water, people use kayu api to cook, mandi and wash clothes/pinggan using a manmade pipe outside (depa siap bawak towel smua); have cows, goats and chickens; piles of sampah tersusun nicely beside their house and river with rubbish, running as their backyard

It was hard for me to believe that people can live in such place. But eventhough I said that, surprisingly I feel at peace when I was there. Maybe it's because of those sincere smiles I received when I was there.

I took some pictures of the place, and this time around I edit it to give the black and white effect. Most of it is just pictures I randomly took.



bunga di sungai err longkang besar kot



doktor jepang?

guys, sila jangan fikir bukan-bukan ya

fuzzy muzzy

semangat berphoto


Aisyah's mumble: yea yea nak balik!

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