Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yea Yea Raya


To all my teman-teman,


May You Guys Have A Bless One with Your Tersayang!


Aisyah's mumble: I see a small crack already

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Raya dan Gaza

i want to make she smiles

i want to make he smiles
i want to make both of them smiles
because they are my sayangs



Life has been good. I'm back in Malasyia for 2 weeks cuti raya. Dapatla spend time dengan family :) And to add up,this year we're gona celebrate raya in Taiping, a double yay yay for me! Too bad Hui Min canceled our plan the last minute. If not, I would love to show her how the Malays celebrate raya. The kampung feeling, the gotong royong, rendang and ketupat, bunga api and of course duit raya!

But ish..Ramadhan haven't finish, sibuk-sibuk pikir pasal raya. But as the say goes; makin tua makin tak semangat nak sambut raya. I'll say, ya betuuuuuul! The feeling is just not as it used to.Plus, Tok Wan is not here anymore. Definitely a different raya :(

Today, one important Palestinian figure came to our surau we always solat tarawikh. He leads the first 4 rakaat solat tarwikh and give preach afterwards. Siap ada orang tolong translate kan, sebab dia cakap dalam Arab (first time aisyah tak ngantuk dengar tazkirah! :P) He came by an NGO named HALUAN.

He mainly talks about Lailatul Qadar and touch slightly regarding issue in Gaza. Masa ni aisyah sedar dah lama aisyah tak ikut perkembangan Gaza. Nak cakap sibuk, macam mencari alasan. By the time they showed a video, i felt sad. Senang sungguh aisyah lupa benda-benda penting seperti ini. Dulu bukan main hebat! Sekarang, semangat boikot dah pudar, isu Palestines di letakkan tepi, sedekah di tangguh-tangguhkan, tanggungjawab di abaikan. Astaghfirullah. Nak cakap aisyah ni kuat susah mati sokong Palestine tak jugak, but i do try play my part. After all, they are my brothers and sisters.

I'll try harder next time. And insyaAllah, this time it stays longer.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


tahu tak apa aisyah benci? aisyah benci bila aisyah compare diri sendiri dengan orang lain. aisyah benci bile aisyah meng degrade kan diri sendiri. dan paling membencikan ialah apabila aisyah pikir semua ini kerana seseorang.

aisyah adalah aisyah. seorang hamba Allah. tidakkah itu sepatutnya mencukupi?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tisu dan air putih!


I've realized something today. Two things you should always (kalau boleh la) carry around:

One. A pack of tissue
Two. A water bottle (obviously berisi air.hee)

You will never know when accidents might happen kan? And if it happens, this can be the easiest and simplest (and not to count handy) first aid kit!

what say you? :P

Aisyah's mumble: I dreamt my mum died. I woke up in shock. The dream was so real that it took me awhile to realize it's only a dream. I dreamt my pa died too on the first week when we came back from Malaysia. Two dream deaths in a month. How scary is that? Inilah akibatnya tidur siang-siang bulan puasa. Maybe sebab tak telefon umah dah 2 minggu. Padan muka aisyah!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mau bersunat??

Adik: Loro!!! Loro pak!! *sakit!! sakit pak!!*
Angga (observer): Ora, kerih kerih aja, kerih kerih aja. *tidak, geli geli sahaja, geli geli sahaja*
Adik: Loro paaak! *menjerit dengan jayanya*

Arjanto (1st assisten) and Tony tan (2nd assisten) quickly prepared the 2nd dose of lidocain. Everyone were very serious with their work. The other observers tried to comfort the adik; one softly stroke his head, other jokingly ask him to be strong for his pacar. Dr. Ahmad injected the 2nd anesthetic while happily singing "Loro~ Loro~"

Yes, these was basically what happened during the khitanan massal. A lot of crying, shouting and obviously bloood spill! But nevertheless there were some adik who bravely go through the khitanan without a single drop of tear! Hebat sungguh.

Khitanan massal had always been an annual activity organized by TBMM (Team Bantuan Medis Mahasiswa). So when they announced they need people for panitia, I quickly sign my name up!

yan mardiyan as the ketua

sterilise the kidney bowl. kusyuk sungguh depa

puskemas. tempat acara diadakan

The khitanan massal was held 2 months ago, 4 days before our OSCE. Cuak gak masa tu nak join, pikirkan exam OSCE yang tak prepare. But when you ask the question "kapankah?", all those other reasons just seems like an excuse. So I brave myself up and pikir gasaaaak je!

the other malaysian who joined. tony tan dan cindy

sterilise circumcision set. actually cam suturing set kite jea

kami ketika baru sampai

And of course, no regards! Nil! Nada! Tidak langsung! How could i? I've learn a lot of things (which help in my OSCE obviously) and gain priceless experience! (by this, i also meant countless penis seen in a day! fuh)


adik adik nak sunat

abangnye grogi, adiknya gumbira~

anamnesis station, hypospadia? micrpenis? etc etc

yuni dan nisa. kami panitia acara!

yok foto foto dulu donnng!

There were a total of 15 adik tu be sunat, and 3 doctors involve in the circumcission. The cool part was, we were given the oppurtunity to assist the doctors. Makanya..kami bisa menjadi first assistant or second assistant.

First assistant is the septic/sterilize assistant. They'll wear aseptic gloves and assist the doctor in giving the instruments, prepare for suturing and even touch the penis! (erk cam pelik je bunyi nie.:P)

The second assistant on the other hand is the unaseptic assistant. Their work are limited in opening the circumcision sets, assists doctor and first assistant wear gloves and even ade yang lap peluh doctor!
senior angkatan 2006

menunggu giliran meng assist

As much as I want to be the first assistant, we've got to beralah to the 06. Senior la katakan. But it was cool. I've got to see the whole circumcission first hand and learn a trick or two along the way :)

oops, sunat!!

selesai. makan lunch

TBMM members

The event was overall a success! Only one adik refuse to di sunatkan (takut kot) and 2 adik have to pujuk kaw kaw baru nak sunat. Other than that, the event went out smoothly Alhamdullilah.

aisyah: andre, apa itu sih dalam kantung hitam?
andre: preputium
aisyah: huh? ngapain ga buang aja?
andre: mau dibakar bikin satay! (dengan senyum kambing)


Friday, September 4, 2009



awan putih menutupi bulan
meliputi atap bumi

Alhamdulilah hi rabbil alamin..
ar rahman nirahim..
Align Center
angin lembut
sempoi terasa di pipi

maliki yau middin..
iya kanaq budu wa iya kanaq staieen..

kelibat kelibat putih
di kiri, di kanan,
di depan, di belakang

ihdinas si rathal mustakeem..

bacaan surah syahdu
memecah kesepian malam

si rathal lazi na an'am ta a'lai him
ngairil maghdu bi a'lai him
walawd' dowwwlinnn...


membuat si pendengar
tersenyum di hati si persoalan


Aisyah sering lupa. So at times when one person came and reminded you of those bigger things, then you'll realize how stupid you can be. How selfish and how ignorant one can be eh?

Tapi takpe, hidup itu satu perjalanan. Musafir on the road la kan. Terkadang tersasar ke tempat lain..cuma memerlukan reminder untuk kembali ke pokok jalan. ewah ewah! :P

and when we do, we've realize it is not just about how fast we're going to reach the end, but what have you done or contribute along those journey. We will forget and tersasar lagi I'm sure (ni aisyah sendiri prognosis kat diri sendiri) but we'll hope for that little reminder; come and go but never (insyaAllah) leave us :)

Kak Boby: Santai saje aisyah. Take life slowly as it comes


Look up at the sky, spread your arm, close your eyes,
feel the breeze of the wind~

*aisyah suka naik motor ngan ain*
(hoho, abih la minyak benzene ain!)


Aisyah bought kebaya for hajaray (an egoist-loud good friend of aisyah who studies in india. jap. takyah tahu sapa die. tak penting, negh2).

A pretty kebaya I must say myself! pergh kembang-kembang diri sendiri! cari satu Beringharjo dengan hui min (terima kaseh teman). Banyak songeh kami, ni atasan tak cantek, bawahan tak nak batik, tak nak polos, tak nak payat tak nak hijau, tak nak berkilat, tak nak memacam lah! finally we found it, admist the other vavooom-kelip2 baju kebaya.

Aisyah is all smile right now. Hope hajaray likes her present. :)

p/s: cik kak if ure reading this, i nak claim bag india tu. hiks