Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Raya dan Gaza

i want to make she smiles

i want to make he smiles
i want to make both of them smiles
because they are my sayangs



Life has been good. I'm back in Malasyia for 2 weeks cuti raya. Dapatla spend time dengan family :) And to add up,this year we're gona celebrate raya in Taiping, a double yay yay for me! Too bad Hui Min canceled our plan the last minute. If not, I would love to show her how the Malays celebrate raya. The kampung feeling, the gotong royong, rendang and ketupat, bunga api and of course duit raya!

But ish..Ramadhan haven't finish, sibuk-sibuk pikir pasal raya. But as the say goes; makin tua makin tak semangat nak sambut raya. I'll say, ya betuuuuuul! The feeling is just not as it used to.Plus, Tok Wan is not here anymore. Definitely a different raya :(

Today, one important Palestinian figure came to our surau we always solat tarawikh. He leads the first 4 rakaat solat tarwikh and give preach afterwards. Siap ada orang tolong translate kan, sebab dia cakap dalam Arab (first time aisyah tak ngantuk dengar tazkirah! :P) He came by an NGO named HALUAN.

He mainly talks about Lailatul Qadar and touch slightly regarding issue in Gaza. Masa ni aisyah sedar dah lama aisyah tak ikut perkembangan Gaza. Nak cakap sibuk, macam mencari alasan. By the time they showed a video, i felt sad. Senang sungguh aisyah lupa benda-benda penting seperti ini. Dulu bukan main hebat! Sekarang, semangat boikot dah pudar, isu Palestines di letakkan tepi, sedekah di tangguh-tangguhkan, tanggungjawab di abaikan. Astaghfirullah. Nak cakap aisyah ni kuat susah mati sokong Palestine tak jugak, but i do try play my part. After all, they are my brothers and sisters.

I'll try harder next time. And insyaAllah, this time it stays longer.


1 comment:

we nag we gag