Friday, September 4, 2009



awan putih menutupi bulan
meliputi atap bumi

Alhamdulilah hi rabbil alamin..
ar rahman nirahim..
Align Center
angin lembut
sempoi terasa di pipi

maliki yau middin..
iya kanaq budu wa iya kanaq staieen..

kelibat kelibat putih
di kiri, di kanan,
di depan, di belakang

ihdinas si rathal mustakeem..

bacaan surah syahdu
memecah kesepian malam

si rathal lazi na an'am ta a'lai him
ngairil maghdu bi a'lai him
walawd' dowwwlinnn...


membuat si pendengar
tersenyum di hati si persoalan


Aisyah sering lupa. So at times when one person came and reminded you of those bigger things, then you'll realize how stupid you can be. How selfish and how ignorant one can be eh?

Tapi takpe, hidup itu satu perjalanan. Musafir on the road la kan. Terkadang tersasar ke tempat lain..cuma memerlukan reminder untuk kembali ke pokok jalan. ewah ewah! :P

and when we do, we've realize it is not just about how fast we're going to reach the end, but what have you done or contribute along those journey. We will forget and tersasar lagi I'm sure (ni aisyah sendiri prognosis kat diri sendiri) but we'll hope for that little reminder; come and go but never (insyaAllah) leave us :)

Kak Boby: Santai saje aisyah. Take life slowly as it comes


Look up at the sky, spread your arm, close your eyes,
feel the breeze of the wind~

*aisyah suka naik motor ngan ain*
(hoho, abih la minyak benzene ain!)


Aisyah bought kebaya for hajaray (an egoist-loud good friend of aisyah who studies in india. jap. takyah tahu sapa die. tak penting, negh2).

A pretty kebaya I must say myself! pergh kembang-kembang diri sendiri! cari satu Beringharjo dengan hui min (terima kaseh teman). Banyak songeh kami, ni atasan tak cantek, bawahan tak nak batik, tak nak polos, tak nak payat tak nak hijau, tak nak berkilat, tak nak memacam lah! finally we found it, admist the other vavooom-kelip2 baju kebaya.

Aisyah is all smile right now. Hope hajaray likes her present. :)

p/s: cik kak if ure reading this, i nak claim bag india tu. hiks


we nag we gag