Thursday, July 2, 2009

medical books


Oh the joy when you finished exams! Your heart feels slightly lighter and you continue to dream of your much awaited holiday - main dengan zulaikha, mama's homecook meals, meeting up old friends, pasar malam's food and most importantly duduk goyang kaki without a single medical book at sight! hehe.

But then suddenly you realize...OSCE is next Thursday. Cis!

Well, to celebrate my shortlived joy of abih exam, I decided to take some photos of our medical books, just for the fun of it! There is no exact theme for it, but there's a lot of LOVEEE involves. :P

I'm using Woan Shiang's Canon Powershot A480 (the one yang die asyik cite tu..) It is not a SLR digital camera for sure, but since I'm taking a lot of close up pictures and its 10 megapix, I must say I'm satisfied with the results. The pictures are not crop or edited, this is a still life photos.

I'm new with this, so don't expect walaweaaa nye photos ya. Any comments/ suggestions are much appreciated :)

medical books stack up

another angle

Hema's ring :)



up close

ring stands

ring in supine postion!

dorlands dictionary

inside love~

love love


The ring symbolizes love, attachment and relationship.
It shows how much we, medical students are dependant more or less on our books for knowledge.
So whether we realize it or not, were having err a relationship with our medical books
An unspoken love scandal. hehe

Aisyah's mumble: fuh penat sungguh entry nie


  1. salam~
    walawei, cantik laa shots dia..;)
    bangganya selaku housemate..ehehe
    an unspoken love
    p/s:ni sbnrnya aisyah buat, dok senyap2 dlm bilik mlm tadi..khusyuk sungguh..

  2. haha' ye la aisyah.. menarik dan lawa!
    take la pic byk2 lagi..
    then paste kat sini :)

  3. wsalam

    hiks. ye kea? atau curtesy jea korg ckp camni.
    org ade lagi project yg lain. so nnt insyaAllah org post k. :)

    ain: ele ain..die pun sama. duk bilik senyap2 tulih post :P

  4. thnks ana :)*malu2 kucing*
    bukan talent pun, googled in the internet,u've find a lot of this things.
    try la ana!


we nag we gag