Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sepetang dengan Farah

Me: You know, I don't think I'll be rich la. I'll be spending it on travelling.

Farah : Huh?

Farah Nasyitah looked at me weirdly. Why with the sudden change of topic?

It was petang near to maghrib already. We were walking home from campus.

After the Charity Concert's meeting, I stayed for awhile to watch the girl's basketball match. As usual, our batch supporters yang paling semangat. We cheered for the goal, cheered for the attempt goal and even cheered when our batchmate played!

Farah was among the supporters. When she knew I might walk home, she offered to walk with me. I thought it was sweet. She could have gone back with Sid and get back home in minutes, instead here she is walking with me, late in the evening masing-masing penat.

Farah: Aku pun tak rasa aku akan kaya.
Me : Asal ek?
Farah :'re looking at someone who spend Rp300k for her cat!
Me: Hehe..that makes sense

Farah : I think I'll be like my mum
Me : Maksudnya?
Farah : Kalau ada duit, spend. Kalau tak, tak la
Me : Haa! Macam kakak ipar dan abang aku jugak! Kalau ada duit spend, kalau tak diam. Sebab tu kalau diorg ada duit, nanti diorang bawak kitaorg pergi makan sushi la, movie la, makan tempat mahal la..kalau takda, takda la.
Farah : Betul! Lebih kurang macam mak aku jugak aa

We then discuss about rich people. Farah thinks rich people are rich because they are kedekut, I on the other hand thought its because they know how to take opportunity. So for the next 5 minutes, we argued about that, masing-masing bersemangat nak prove kan point yang disampaikan

Me : Sekarang aku banyak save duit spend on electronics stuff
Farah : Apa ko beli?
Me : Em, handphone aku..external aku..printer aku..
Farah : Sama macam aku gak. Aku spent banyak on gadgets gak..bla..bla..(nama-nama aneh computer gadgets semua keluar)..bla..bla..duit scholar nak tunggu.
Me : scholar aku dah target nak beli apa! Aku nak beli lotion bodyshop..bestnyee
Farah : Bodyshop ek? That's a good brand.
Me : Tu la pasal!
Farah : Aku nak beli WARCOM (pen tablet) nanti. Tapi mahal sangat. RM1000 lebih. But it's nicer to use compare to the tablet I'm using right now. Smoother to draw

I don't really get it. So she explained to me how different tablet can affect how you draw. "Bila kau lukis, ko bukan pandang paper, tapi pandang screen. Sebab tu lain". The explanation goes on. Eventually, we came to a conclusion that whoever good in tablet drawing, can be a good microsurgeon. Maybe a brain neurosurgeon?

Me: I got a question Farah. Why are you buying all this? Kalau nanti ko jadi animator ke apa ke..logic jugak. But eventually you're going to be a doctor, bukan guna pun, takda masa plak tu.
Farah: Aku tahu..sebab tu aku nak draw sampai puas. Because later I know I'll drop everything, langsung tak sentuh!
Me : Haha. Macam reason aku masuk keyboard class nanti.

We go on talking excitedly about this. Then the topic shifted to drawing.

Tiba-tiba teringat masa di KTT berborak dengan Farah Nasyitah. Kitaorang bercakap dari jam 11 sampai 1 pagi non stop pasal Harry Potter. Yang peliknya, masa tu baru kenal Farah.

Me : I used to like drawing. Especially trees and buildings. Tapi sekarang tak. I really want too..but it takes time la, which I cannot afford.
Farah : Sama la. Aku faham, especially when you're taking medicine.

The sun already goes down. Few birds fly over us. Multiple azan can be heard as we walked. The warm evening breeze brushed through us.

Me : Have you ever feel you want to draw so much, but you can't because you don't have your own style? You end up tiru orang lain tapi you tak rasa puas.
Farah : Yes yes all the time
Me : Really? Tapi ko dah ada style sendiri
Farah : No no tak. I faced the same problem also. Aku amik masa 11 tahun untuk sampai ke tahap aku sekarang kan

Aisyah berfikir.

Trying to draw again has been on my mind this past weeks sebenarnya. But I could never bring myself to it. Ironically now, I am having this conversation.

Nothing is impossible, its just that the impossible takes a little longer.


  1. betul.. ada masa kita byk spend masa dengan benda yang tak sepatutnya. tp tak salah kan buat benda yang kita minat. selalunya, buat benda2 camni lah yang menyebabkan kita lebih menghargai hidup.

    p/s: jom masuk kelas piano sama2.. :)

  2. haha. betul-betul.

    Jom sudien! aku dh postpone terlalu lama aa..aku ingtkn pass dah tahu pasal bile LSM, aku nak dftr PLg awal pun mybe next week.


we nag we gag