Monday, October 5, 2009

billionaires and buying countries


Interesting article from

You know who's the richest man in the world right now?

Yes..Bill Gates, the notorious computer geek turn billionaire. Guess what! According to the yahoo article, Gates fortune is exceedingly more than the gross domestic product (GSD) of 140countries!
ye kami tahu kenapa anda senyum..

In other words, Mr Bill Gates here can buy Costa Rica if he wishes to..

umm..well i think this is a perfect spot to build my kitchen

..or if he doesn't like Costa Rico, how bout El Savador..

..or even Uruguay!

cuci mata cuci mata setiap ari

And his long time friend, the richest man in 2008; Warren Buffet (who according to the article, lost a huge amount of money in 12 months) can also join the our-money-worth-more-than-your-GSD-per-year club.

His fortune itself can buy North Korea.

super junior and wonder girls in the making.hihi

If you thought that making movies can't earn that much to buy a country..well, George Lucas proves you wrong!

The renown filmmaker for Star Wars and Indiana Jones (yes yes yes!) have fortune worth more than GSD Guyana. perghhhhh

indiana jones next mission,hee
Emm menarik.. :P


we nag we gag