Wednesday, June 10, 2009



Hiks! Finaally, a blog of my own. Reason to blog? Let just say after 5 hours of pecah otak writing my motivation letter I've realize how lousy my English was- well, my English was lousy to begin with anyway

So here I am blogging at 4 am in the morning and to tell you the truth I am not a fan of blogging. Reading, yes but blogging? err tidaaaak. But, enough is enough, I need to try something new and blogging is always something I want try. So for start, I'll write reasons for my blogging just incase one day I got disarray and write every emo stories in my life (dijauhkaaaan..)

Aisyah's top 5 reasons to blog :
1. Improve my English (Duh!)
2. Write my life experience so I can look back and say "Ooohh I did that??"
3. To " ekspresikan dirimu!"
4. To see how much I improve and become stronger over the years (or the other way around, who knows)
5. So when I'm old and tiada gigi , I can go and read,
"Kisah pengembaraan cik Ecah yang penuh bahaya dan cabaraaaan!!" to my grandkids. Sure diorang ternganga mulut-bley-masuk-lalat bile dengar. hehee

So there folks, reasons for me to blog and hope I'll be rajin enough to update it everyweek.


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