Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mr Rejab is here!

**Caution! This is a very long entry**

*door creeks slowly*

" Aisyah, bangun. Dah nak abih sahur"

Dang! Instantly my eyes open. I check my phone, 10 minutes before 4.30am which means 10 minutes before sahur finish.

"Aik, asal handphone nye alarm tak berbunyi?" I thought to myself silently.
There goes my well plan idea of a perfect sahur-roti dengan telur mata kerbau setengah matang sama sayur kobis dicincang halus-halus. *sigh*

Dissapointed yet bersemangat to sahur, I make my way to Ain's room.

I manage to drink 2 glasses of air putih, while Ain ate 2 spoons of cereal before we heared the calling of azan. Kesian Ain, tengah-tengah makan stop dan terus pergi toilet, tak sempat nak habis cereal.

No worries! It's the month of Rejab! A month of Allah The Almighty.

To tell you the truth, I didn't know what is so special of Rejab. Heks, I even didn't know it's near Rejab until a friend of mine sms about it. So I did my homework (googled la ape lagi) and find some interesting facts about the month of Rejab

Simple facts about the month of Rejab:
1) Rejab itself means "Holy".
2) It is the 7th month of Islamic Lunar calender. After Rejab, comes Sya'ban and then Ramadhan. :)

3) One of the 4 sacred months (Al-Ashhur-al-hurum) in which battles were prohibited.
4) It is the event of Israk Mikraj (ascension of the Holy Prophet
to the heavens) took place.
5) A month to ask for forgiveness and turn repentant to Allah (SWT) as much as you can because
"mercy drops from the heaven like a gentle rain in the month of Rejab"

"The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) has said: “Rejab is a great month of Allah (SWT), unmatched by any other month in the respect and significance (accorded to it); war with the infidels during this month is prohibited; Verily, Rejab is Allah’s month, Sya’ban my month and Ramadan the month of my Ummah; whosoever fasts a day in the month of Rejab will be granted the great reward of Ridwan (an angel in heaven); the wrath of Allah (SWT) shall be distanced and a door of the Hell shall be closed.”

So here are some fadhilat of fasting to keep us motivated beribadah during this Holy Month of Allah:

Diriwayatkan bahwa Rasulullah saw telah bersabda, "Ketahuilah bahawa bulan Rejab itu adalah bulan ALLAH swt, maka:"

1. Barang siapa yang berpuasa 1 hari dalam bulan ini dengan ikhlas, maka pasti ia mendapat keredhaan yang besar dari ALLAH swt

2. Dan barang siapa berpuasa pada tanggal 27 Rejab 1430H / Isra Mi'raj (Isnin, 20 Julai 2009) akan mendapat pahala seperti 5 tahun berpuasa

3. Barang siapa yang berpuasa 2 hari di bulan Rejab akan mendapat kemuliaan di sisi ALLAH swt

4. Barang siapa yang berpuasa 3 hari yaitu pada tanggal 1, 2, dan 3 Rejab (24,25, 26 June 2009) maka ALLAH swt akan memberikan pahala seperti 900 tahun berpuasa dan menyelamatkannya dari bahaya dunia dan seksa akhirat

5. Barang siapa berpuasa 5 hari dalam bulan ini, insyaallah permintaannya akan dimakbulkan Allah swt. InsyaAllah

6. Barang siapa berpuasa 7 hari dalam bulan ini, maka ditutupkan 7 pintu neraka Jahanam dan barang siapa berpuasa delapan hari maka akan dibukakan 8 pintu syurga

7. Barang siapa berpuasa 15 hari dalam bulan ini, maka ALLAH swt akan mengampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu dan menggantikan kesemua kejahatannya dengan kebaikan, dan barang siapa yang menambah (hari-hari puasa) maka ALLAH swt akan menambahkan pahalanya."

So, ape lagi teman-teman, let us try our best and use this Holy Month wisely!

Till then,

Aisyah's mumble: Banyaknye lecture notes nak baca..sigh. Padan muka sendiri, belajar last minute lagi! :P

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