Saturday, June 20, 2009

Apa? Open house?


"So, when you're guys gonna do your open house?"

Yes, THE question people keep on asking us. After moving in to our house last December, now and then our batchmates will pop out the question.

When that happens, I'll reply with a senyuman terpaksa plastered on my face ," Tu la, busy la sekarang, nanti ktorang buat "
while Hema will reply in a more quirky way, " Eh rumah ktorg memang sentiasa open house, korg datang bawak makanan sendiri je. Come laa "

Yup, that's our Hema!

Anyway, since our move, there were other of our own batchmates shift to a house. Two houses to be exact. I guess when you're cool and hip people tend to follow you. Heks! Kidding!

So being the senior shifter (is there such word??) , we've oblige to follow "the open house rule"- Siapa pindah dulu, dia kene buat open house! And the other new shifter- dengan bagusnya ikut adat Melayu, tak nak langkah bendul, patiently waits for their turns.

Haish. Even juniors who've recently shift already did their open house.

Fret not! Us, E26D-ex sendoworians shall do our open house..err soon!

Till then,

Aisyah's mumble: Xiang Wei really can cook! Her curry and nasi rempah seriously sedap. I must say, they handle their open house quite well. The food is always fill, and people seems to enjoy themselves.

1 comment:

we nag we gag