Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Round round merry go round

Round round merry go round.


Everytime I thought I'm getting closer to Him, I don't.

While I see people around me getting closer and closer, I've become further and further.

And to think I was so eager to learn and become a better muslim in my first year here.

Rebellion stage?

Nope. That's not an excuse. Because I truly believe that even if you are born as a muslim, you still have the tanggungjawab to learn more about our beloved religion and become a better person.

But for now, it is not as manis as it used to be.

I feel pathetic.

Well, life is like that.

Man jadda wajada kan?


  1. i have been in ur shoes..trust me...mase tu hati rs x tenteram..rase gelisah x tentu psl..i question all things even to the smallst things..n i search 4 it..alhamdulillah..i understood..still got much to learn though..menjadi muslim sejati still far away but yg penting i fhm the basic

    sabar eh aisyah..dont ever give up..
    sometimes things that we want badly comes to us at times we didnt even expected...

    yg penting jgn lupa utk sentiasa berdoa sbb doa adlah senjata org mukmin..sounds hard to believe..but believe it..as long as u believe it n patience(tidak tergesa2 nk doa dimakbulkn),u will have it

    anggap la dis as ujian k...maybe Allah nak tgk sejauh mn kesungguhan aisyah or adakah aisyah akan give up mcm tu je bile rs ade kat dead end

    maybe Allah wants u to learn more bout Him so dat u'll find the peace that ur looking for..

    there is a quote or hadith(im not really sure)
    from a person name Abu Al hassan Ash'ari: kamu belum benar2 beriman sehinggalah kamu persoalkn imanmu

    so dont worry.u r in the rite tract..means dat u wanna be a true muslim..bkn muslim keturunan je,not becoz ur parents r muslim..

    dont give k aisyah..remmbr ur not alone..may Allah guide us to the rite path...

    PS:remmbr the 5 things about ubat hati?iA it will help to give peace to ur heart:)


we nag we gag