Friday, December 4, 2009

Jacob and Edward secret affair!

howie day: she says

Jacob and Edward is having an affair!!!!!
And I have the picture to prove it!!

Hehe. Oke, caption yang agak lame. But you could not help to wonder kan? Maybe it'll be like those two guys in Brokeback Mountain. Cinta terhalang. And Bella is just an excuse, and and those fights to get Bella are just a coverup. Why? Helloooo..because the wolvespack and the vampires are not in good terms lah. Those two obviously cannot show their affections openly. Nak mati?! So like I said, cinta terhalang. And dear Bella here are just so happen to be there when their love starts to bloom. So tadaaa! A perfect coverup.

Who knows what really happen behind those treees~

Nah, gambar yang membuktikan segala-galanya.

bella kene tipu!

Aisyah's mumble: vidi, P3K, prasmanan, report..bla bla bla


  1. erk aisyah.. aku curious nak tau, siapakah gerangan manusia yg tangan berbulu kat atas tu. dh la jahat. tp seriuosly mcm sengal giler!! hahahahahahahaha' *musnah harapan aisyah selama ni*

  2. ntah. aq pun tak taw. hehe. takpaa, jacob still yg best! ngeh2


we nag we gag