Thursday, December 3, 2009

another ramblings

oasis: wonderwall

Girls and gossiping seems inseparable. I know guys gossips as well, but it's no fun like how the girls does it. While guys (I think) deliver the gossip with not much of a drama in it, girls on the other hand, can be as kapochi as they want it to be!

If you've ever been in this kind of group-the loud semangat gossipers, you know what I mean, kan? A whole freaking boat can rock back and forth if they're in it!

Gossips are not good, especially the juicier ones. It only brings shame to the person and untruthfulness in another. But there's something about it. It strengthen friendship in a weirdly twisted way. What I mean is, you usually tell this gossips with your friends-the one you want to share the gossip with, the one you want to talk all day long about it, the one you trust with, the one you seems comfortable with. And sometimes, it can bring 2 person who doesn't talk to each other, to talk with each other.

Obviously not all of us maintain friendship by this way (macam kesian je kalau ada). But c'mon, you have to admit there's some truth with what I'm saying right?

Gossip spreads like wildfire
Tak takut tuhan ka?

Aisyah's mumble: tik tok tik tok..masa berlalu


  1. aiysah, kau kena gosip ker?
    mai gosip kat aku blk. haha'

  2. Rumah kita dah la rumah paling gossip tak tersebar punya! Hahaha tadi diorang ada gossip pasal something and stacey and i cm, Haa? Really??. Pastu dia reply, "dah lama daaaaa".

    Tapi taklah sedih ke apa hahahaha makan lagi bagus dari gossip!

  3. *aisyah,kite xrajin gosip kan?kan? hee~
    *kelompok gosip tiga serangkai sudin-fikri-hanafiah..ish3
    *haha,suka ayat mal>makan lagi bagus dari gosip~
    'gendang gendut tali kecapi,kenyang perut suka hati'..weeeee~ :)

  4. sudien: gossip2 artist nak dengar? :P
    malina: aah2 betul! makan lagi best! dimsum jom!
    ain: hehe. tak rajin ek? (meragukan kan.keh2)

  5. ais: urm.. aku plg suka gosip artis *tp siti je ok* artis laen aku tak layan..
    ain: erk.. aku tak suka bergosip la. diorng yg pakasa aku gosip.!

  6. setuju dengan mal.. makan lagi best dari gosip.. mal bila nk jco.. aisyah bila nk p dimsum sama ??? :)

    *iz yg sntiasa jd org paling lmbt.. hehe


we nag we gag