Sunday, November 8, 2009

Charity Concert Hands to Share


Alhamdullilah, "Charity Concert Hands to Share" went out smoothly. The concert, organized by International Programme UGM is an event to collect money for the Sumatran Earthquake victims that strike last September.

Since it is an Inter's event, most of the committee and performers were International students.

That night, banyak yang main classical piece. Ada yang main piano, violin and also guitar.And oh oh oh how I love to watch Taufiq played the guitar! He did one of Andy Mckee's songs. He strum through the guitar and there's a part he ketuk-ketuk guitar. Ala..macam dalam cerita August Rush tu. Macam mana la aisyah (and other girls obviously) tak cair :P

Beside the guitar, Aisyah looked forward for these two talented pianist, Edo (budak Inter) and Ivan (bdak Regular). I had once saw these two, played during "Malam Classical dan Jazz UGM" last year. Hebat gile diorang masa tu! So I have no doubt I'll enjoy their performance again. Dan memang betul pun!

Aisyah enjoyed Edo's piece "Somewhere over the rainbow".Simple, yet he played it with full emotions sampai aisyah pun rasa aisyah over the rainbow :) Pastu Ivan plak played a Beethoven's piece. Ni memang kena tabik spring la! I don't know much about classical music, but I know he played a very complicated piece and was very good with it.

Other than that, a few of our batch mates also performed. Ni termasuk Iffa dan Hui Min, the violin duo! Sebelum ni, depa selalu datang rumah dan practice violin kat bilik aisyah. So when they were upstage, rasa bangga sangat! I noticed Hui Min made some mistakes (siap senyum-senyum kambing plak masa tu), but nevertheless it was good performance!

The violin duo: Iffa and Hui Min

Ray Robson (one of the top committee) also performed. Ni takyah cakap la, memang diketahui hebat. Another person I truly amazed was Suzie. The thing about Suzie is, she never had a piano lesson her whole life. Never! She only started to learn by herself after SPM. So on that night, when she played Croatian Rhapsody, aisyah terpegun sebentar.

"See, with hardwork and persistance you can be like her", Stacey said to me.

Ray Robson and Suzie

Selain daripada classical performance, ada jugak Korean drums and percussion diiringi dengan tarian. I've never seen a Korean performance, so I was looking forward for it. Miss Sen Hen Ha, the dancer was superb! She was dress like err hantu. Putih je muka dengan lengan baju elaborately long. Her dance was; emm how to say yek- amazingly and uniquely scary.

Hema siap ada goosebump masa tengok. The whole night after the event finished, Hema kept on saying she was scared. So which means Miss Sen Hen Ha was good la kan?

Miss Sen Hen Ha and Miss Kang

Korean drums and percussion performers

The concert finished with a fusion of Korean percussion and Javanese gamelan. It was super gooood! Aisyah siap kasi standing ovation!-which after that rasa malu plak sebab yang lain tak bangun/hehe

Fusion. Gamelan dan Korean percussion

Ohya, Aisyah dengan Fikri was in the decoration team. Sebelum ni kitaorang pernah team up untuk Malam Gala. So it was surprisingly nice to work with him again. The posters, bookmark, tag name dan kotak sumbangan yang over, adalah benda yang kitaorang dipertanggungjawab. Pastu on the night itself kitaorang jadi "penjaga pintu". Macam bozer kelab je rasa masa tu.

So to Fikri (aku tahu kau tengah baca ni :P)

Thank youuuu so much!

I had a great time working with you! Potong bookmark yang berlambak, letak riben kat bookmark selama 3 jam,bertanding buat kotak sumbangan yang paling cantik- aku enjoy every minute of it! (ok, maybe tak every minute la kot) If aku terkasar kata, sorila ek! Nanti bley tuntut Choclatos kat aq yaa :P

Fikri> Kami team deco~

Mauny and Gobi: Stage Crew

Malina, Stacey, Hui Min, Hema, Suzie and Clemency

The event overall was a success!

A lot of people came, and I've found out we collected large number of money for the relief. So kudos for all the committees (esp Stacey and Ray Robson) for their hard work!

D' Committee

Concert already finished. Few men started to cleanup the place. There were less than 6 people in auditorium.

Me: Ray, mainkan Marriage D' Amor boleh?
Ray Robson: Marriage D'Amor ya? Oke sure

He sat at the piano stool. Aisyah sat beside him. He started playing the song. Aisyah mula layan perasaan. Hmmm

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