Friday, May 7, 2010


Dear friends (or family if they're reading this)

As you can see, I rarely blog nowadays.

I also rarely open my YM, active in Facebook or read my friends' blog.

For some reasons, it pains me to blog (and sometimes read other people's blog. yea sungguh apakah kan?) and YM/Facebook doesn't seem as fun as it used to be.

I don't want to write any stupid things on the website above.

To tell you the truth, I haven't get over that 'incidence'. So yes, I still feel bitter, doubtful, betrayal, confused and pessimistic. Forgive and forget doesn't come easy for me. So I'll put up a mask, trying to act as though everything is cool but at the end felt stupid. No wonder people are staying away from me.

I know I'll be missing a lot of gossip2 hangat or updates about my friends, but takpala. Friendship doesn't have to maintain through cyberworld only kan?

But anyway I won't shut my blog. Just incase suddenly I have an urge to rant about absolutely nothing! Or nak syok sendiri. haha

So to my readers out there (which I think berapa kerat je.hoho), thank you for reading this blog and its nice to know someone actually reads my blog yang kehapeh hapeh ni :P

Anyhow, till next time,



P/S: kepada Sudien yang sengal dan gedik, Happy Birthdayy kamu! You're one good fella, no wonder people regard you as their good friend. Ok dah puji, kena belanja yea


  1. aisyah.....
    susah lar nk contact aisyah...
    ym tak yah guna credit..
    jimat sket :P
    cepat2 recover 'INCIDENCE' yg tak sepatutnya ok.... even iz tak tau apa incidence tu ape..
    if u need anything bgtau kk..
    btw, i still hutang u frozen yogurt.. bila nk dating ni???

  2. aisyah, i'm back. aku tau kau rindu aku. jom, kita makan dimsum jom :)

  3. iz: hutang dah dibayar!sedaaap aa yogurt last time. thnks iz :)

    sudien: blergh. uish perasan dirindu. :P


we nag we gag