Sunday, December 9, 2012

Talking about beauty

I looked in the mirror.

There stands a girl, with big eyes and thick long eyelashes. Her baby hair messily on her forehead. Her nose, unsymmetrical on her chubby face are neither mancung or penyet. Her lips, cracked as always, but with a little touch of a lip balm, turns cherry shinny lips. Her skin not too dark or too fair, nor too oily or too dry. Pimples here and there on her double-chin round face completes her whole look.

I look Ok.

Maybe not beautiful, but I have the basics. Two eyes, a nose and a mouth. I am decent looking.

Through out my young years, I'm always insecure about my looks. Growing up naturally chubby and short, I made that as an excuse to believe I'm not pretty. An irony it is, when I was called "anak patung" by my aunties in my first 3-4 years of living. All because I had round eyes, chubby cheeks and curly hair. I am pretty! Or so I thought. As I grew up, then I realized, aren't all toddler are the most prettiest little thing?

Along the way, that insecurties stayed. Well, not really. It feels like what they said about life. As a wheel . Sometimes you're up in your game, sometimes you're down in the slum. Sometimes you feel you are the darn prettiest thing ever, then later, ugly as a mud fence.

But funny how looks are strongly associate with confidence.

I once read, that pretty people enjoy life more compare to the lesser pretty ones. Plus, will be treated better. This was done statistically with reviews on it. Not some strategic propaganda from the anesthetic world .Which is kinda true. I always feel I have more fun and will be treated well when I cucuk my mata with contact lense, wore my eyeliner and my best dress. Meh. Confidence push-up.

Apparently, beauty in a human's face, is when you have perfect symmetrical component in your face. The most beautiful person in Britain was awarded this title simply because "she had the perfect face with the “optimum ratio” between her eyes, mouth, forehead and chin". Mathematics do involve in beauty.

Then in my community, we have the typical perempuan cantik Melayu. The typical perempuan cantik Melayu or I shall call it Si Gadis Melayu, is the type of Malay beauty most Malay guys are easily attracted to. Most Malay guys I know that is.

She has to be fair (the putih the better), with long wavy black hair, nicely shaped lips and hourly shaped body (thin waist and big bottom unconciously means "uhhh fertile!). But it is not only the looks. No no, so much more. When she speaks, so soft and sweet. When she walks, her hips waved side to side slowly. And when she looks at you, so tender and honest, that you feel you want to swim into her eyes. Being malu and graceful, is her everyday dress..

That my friend, is Si Gadis Melayu.

So not me.

Wiki define beauty as something that provides perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction. Explanation why people love to be around pretty people. They're like pretty flowers attracting the bees. But to be fair, looks aren't everything when you don't have the right attitude aite? No bees go to a pretty flower with no honey.

But another kind of beauty is totally a different one. A spiritual one. A kind of beauty ignorance to human's opinion are essential. Only his Creator. His One and Only, His Al Mighty's opinion are all matters. Her daily make up is her wudu, her glow is her constant smile and her fancy clothes are ones tailored by God himself. A simple cloth covering every part of her body except the face and hands. As so when she walks, modesty is her perfume. It fills the air, the calm submission to the One God.

And that, is the most powerful beauty


  1. true story!!! honestly speaking, anda cantik cik aisyah...(kalau tak cantik aku tak tulis honestly speaking tu)..hehe...

    & aku gelak kuat kat "When she walks, her hips waved side to side slowly" <--ini perempuan melayu zaman sarimah dgn baju kebaya pendek tu kot...

    nice post!!i like~

  2. salam. aisyah! nak tahu, this week + last week, im also thinking about tak jadi tipikal gadis melayu+wah cantiknya orang itu etc etc! like people always say, great minds think alike! kui3.

    yup, betul kata yon. walaupun we know koff koff aisyah made this post just to blurt out how you feel (without any intention to get compliments), saya pun rasa anda cantik sebenarnya :D

    tengok dari jauh comel, tengok dari dekat, cantik rupanya! (wah, kena belanja saya nich!)

    just be who you are, who is getting better and better. dah matang dah cik aisyah ni (ur post) ;P

    bak kata Wardina, you are beautiful, and Allah loves you <3


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