Saturday, December 5, 2009

sabtu si sabtu

kooks: naive

Today, I woke up at 630am. Early kan? But my day really starts at 1pm, itupun sebab nak keluar untuk makan. After that I spend much of my time reading Anne Frank- The Diary of a Young Girl and watch 2 movies non stop- Closer and The Secret Life of Bees. Sungguh unproductive hari ini.

For dinner I make myself tuna sandwich, munching it away while watching Take Him Out with Ain and Malina. When I went back to my room, Fazrul's sms bring me back to reality. Kerja. Urgh terasa beban di badan.

My job was easy, arrange meeting for MSK hicom tomorrow. Nampak mudah, tapi kesabaran fuhh memang kena tinggi (since kesabaran aisyah hanyalah limited) The thing is, you have to ask one by one what time they're free. When you decide this time, another person tak boleh. When you decide another time, ada orang taknak cause it's to early or too late. And when you sms (and hope they reply fast, sebab nak decide cepat2) they didn't reply. So you have to wait, or worse you have the 'honour' to call that person. Bak kata pepatah, banyak orang banyak ragam. At times you feel very geram, usap-usap dada and remind yourself it's part of the job.huhu

"work is just another to do list"

When we've finally decide the time and place (which aisyah rasa tersangat la lega!), Fazrul remind me of another kerja. Aduh!

Sorryla teman, miss procastinator got a hold of me AGAIN. I've already wrote my PKP work list, tapi hampeh non of it is cross yet. Aisyah oh aisyah. Sometimes I wish I'll be more proactive, so atleast Fazrul won't have to remind me of my job. Ish malu je.

Oh well, this is only last for another 1 month pastu hai hai bye bye lah!

Aisyah's mumble: bu sardi, kanit and vidi, surat audit etc etc oh! abdominal examination! er er P3K. Ugh asa!

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